Getting Stronger

How many of you  feel frustrated when out on a trail, and it seems EVERYONE  is passing you? 

When you have to stop often to catch your breath and hope your heart will not explode? When your hiking partners patiently wait for you at the top of the hill? (Not Fair! They get to rest when it’s ME that needs a rest!)
Will I ever get strong enough to keep up?
Let me tell you…it IS possible….but it’s gonna take some work! If you’ve read previous posts, you know that my husband won a month long membership to a gym that specializes in SPARTAN TRAINING! Whoa! Yeah…not his kind of thing! But I jumped on it and began my journey to GET STRONGER!
I have to say that it was a bit intimidating to walk in the facility. But the staff was so caring and encouraging, that I began to feel that this won’t be too bad afterall. Learning my gluts for all practical purposes were nonexistent was a blow. I am assured that will be remedied. So what about weight loss? Endurance? All goals to be accomplished if I am to do some serious hiking or better yet, backpacking.
So the journey began. It was no surprise that all the same trail frustrations manifested in the gym. How in the world do these people do it? They’re doing 20 reps to my 8. Hmmm okay, take heart that I could do 8! I find myself huffing and puffing and having to sit out a bit for the heart to settle down and for breathing to return to semi-normal!
After the month was up, I couldn’t believe the difference in myself. Achy joints were no longer an issue. Amazing! Endurance up – yes, but still a long way to go. Frustration level? Oh yeah, that’s still there, but not like at first. I see other women working through the class, some better than me, some the same. Lesson learned is accept where I am and keep working. It gets better!
These classes aren’t for sissies. But while i admit I hate the class (yeah – it’s hard and not all that fun) I like the result.
How do I know things are improving? A 5 mile loop through Whiting Ranch, including Dreaded Hill, took three hours last August. Last week, the same loop took me 2.5 hours!
I’m Getting Stronger!



Southern California Autumn

What is a California Autumn in Orange County?

It’s very subtle for a midwesterner like me, used to the first freeze which turns everything brilliant. Here it’s more about the umbers, burnt siennas, and the green/golds. It’s also the aroma, the air, it’s a feeling more than visual. It kinda starts in August. The way the air feels, the light, the smells. I’d always get the itch to travel, because that was typically our families time to take an RV trip.  It’s like when you can smell the coming rain. You can’t see it, but you know.

Today, we experienced two really good rains and oh my gosh, a thunderstorm! Southern California doesn’t get the beautiful flash and the rumble of a good midwestern thunderstorm! But we had a rare occurrence last week. As my husband and I sat at the dining room table eating dinner, out of the corner of my eye, I thought I saw a flash. I wasn’t sure; maybe my eyes were playing tricks on me. A little bit later there was a rumble, really distant, one of those that made you wonder if it was a train or a big heavy vehicle going by on the street. Then I saw another flash! And I knew! I knew it was lightning! That’s when I head outside and wait for it! It was exhilarating! The power and the beauty of it, seeing that subtle flash off in the distance and doing the count. You know about the count? When you see the flash you count; one one thousand two one thousand three one thousand…if you get to five one thousand before you hear it – that is one mile away.  You can tell if it’s getting closer or moving off. And then there’s the flash that’s like a camera flash and BOOM! No time to count – oh that was too close!

So today, after so much rain, I have to stay off the trails, because they are fragile. Too many footprints in the mud don’t go away in our heavily trafficked trails after it dries. You do something else like walk through the neighborhood with a pack on, and just condition. Even though I’m not on a trail, I’m stretching my legs, observing, reveling in the post rain and thunderstorm aromas of Southern California Autumn.

What Are We Thinking?

As I’m dressing for another morning hike, distracted by yet another hiker YouTube or podcast, I wonder; why am I doing this? 

Why do people decide to put themselves through such grueling ordeals on long distance hikes? Mangled maimed and mutilated – oh my!

 What am I thinking? What is this wanderlust call that consumes my mind? Why is the trail and all its hardship so appealing?  


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